05 Oct 20, 00:30
These guys were pre airbrushed back when I did the drones. So last of the pre production line. But have managed to get cracking with the base gold. Ive gone back to balthazar gold for these guys rather than the brass scorpion I've been using for dg recently. Plan to get through these guys as quick as possible... last time i did plague marines it took me months to 5 so im hoping now ( a year on ish since i painted the other group) i can smash 7 out fairly quickly while still looking effective.

One thing. The two guys with blight launchers are the easy build ones. Man they are so poor in terms of quality compared to the dark imperium guys. (ETB ones are top left and bottom right)

One thing. The two guys with blight launchers are the easy build ones. Man they are so poor in terms of quality compared to the dark imperium guys. (ETB ones are top left and bottom right)