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pawl #1967

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Warhammer Community wrote:
To recap:
  • Get Sergeant ‘Ripper’ Jackson, only in Warhammer stores from the 12th to the 20th of September
  • Coming soon after to games-workshop.com
  • She’s clearly a badass!
Could this be the start of a new Catachan release? 😁
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James #1971

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Excellent model. I would love to see some new IG stuff. Wonder if itll be a brigade of women catachan.. thatd be cool and really wind up alot of idiots on the fb groups 😂😂
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pawl #1977

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Adding in female sculpts with the regular boxes would be a first, but a welcome one I think. There's plenty of third party female X-style Guard replacements, and I see no reason GW couldn't do it themselves.
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James #1979

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It would actually be pretty cool if they did thinking about it. Im not a big fan of sisters of battle really (not because of them being female but more the models dont excite me particualrly) but more female representation in IG would really work i think!
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pawl #1989

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They already exist in the fluff and as special characters, so I don't see why they wouldn't want to cash in on what's clearly already a lucrative market. If they don't then I'm sure there will be a reason, but it makes sense to me at least.
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James #1994

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Yeah i guess it must be working for them with the Escher gang as they've done a big ish release for them recently so it could be a push for that.. but probably not
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