31 Jan 21, 16:37

Heres my WIP of the Lord of Virulence. Really like the LoV model except the head and pipe skirt thing haha so I've taken him in a different direction! Head is modelled from a Putrid Blightkings helmet and some greenstuff. And then I've added a pipe to his back which sprays plague gunk around the battlefield, the gunk starts growing pustules which eventually turn into giant disgusting plague maggots

Heres my WIP of the Lord of Virulence. Really like the LoV model except the head and pipe skirt thing haha so I've taken him in a different direction! Head is modelled from a Putrid Blightkings helmet and some greenstuff. And then I've added a pipe to his back which sprays plague gunk around the battlefield, the gunk starts growing pustules which eventually turn into giant disgusting plague maggots