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Re: Squattish Shooters Ahoy!

Posted: 13 Nov 22, 10:17
by Karak Norn Clansman

Ral-Terak Combine Warrior

The Hearthkyn Warriors of the Ral-Terak Combine live up to their League's reputation of being armed to the teeth and tooled to the temple. True to maximalist Kin design, this line infantry do not only bring potent firepower, thick armour and voidsuit self-sufficiency to bear. It also bring tools, sidearms and gear aplenty. This stack of equipment is topped off by adornments ranging from ancestor medallions, through individual runes to Kindred markings and League heraldry.

This is a test conversion for basic Squat infantry built out of the new Leagues of Votann kits. The NASA-punk elements will in due time be matched with converted Mantic Forgefathers and converted Kharadron Overlords, not to mention Warhammer Dwarf conversions along the style of Rogue Trader Squats.

I have long pondered shortening the legs, trunk and arms of the new Kin miniatures, but eventually I decided against it. The difference in size and proportions will be down to diverging branches of Squats, carried into their cloneskeins. The long millennnia of divergent physical change and traditional wargear design was then brought into full view when two minor Leagues combined to form the large Ral-Terak Combine, an acquisitive and ruthless astral mining conglomerate willing to fight the denizens of hell itself for mining rights. Rock holds.

As regard the new Leagues of Votann models, I was not content with the sizeable length of upper arm left without armour on the Hearthkyn Warriors. I played with the idea of gluing 7th edition WHFB Dwarf facemasks beneath the pauldrons, or sculpting a segmented plate. In the end, I decided to add a a sliver of overlapped quilted armour, as a nod to Rogue Trader Squats. Obviously space Dwarfs will need entrenching tools, and so I cobbled together a quick spade design that could be mass-produced with some ease. Ergo the lack of sharp corners. The base is covered with hints of various xenoid flora and fauna.

Huge thanks to my brother EEJR and my friend JAB for unexpectedly giving me the largest Warhammer present I've ever received (aside from a Warhammer fortress from our father, given to me and my brother in 2003): A Leagues of Votann army set, complete with a fantastic new codex, one of the best things ever written for Warhammer 40'000. Now that is solid worldbuilding.

Re: Squattish Shooters Ahoy!

Posted: 14 Nov 22, 19:35
by James
These look great @Karak Norn Clansman! Nice added details too. Excited to see how you get on with these.